Trade & Investments Trade & Investments

23 April 2024

Former BHP site to boost Newcastle industry

The NSW Government aims to kickstart the development of a new industry in the Hunter region of Syndey by inviting proposals to repurpose a 52-hectare site in Newcastle (suburb of Sydney) previously owned by the multinational mining and metals company, BHP Group. Minister for Planning and Minister for Homes, Anthony Roberts, stated that the extensively remediated site could be utilized for advanced manufacturing, cleantech and green energy, or repurposed for defense, ultimately securing jobs for the region.

Port of Newcastle’s container ambitions could cost NSW up to $4.3b

The port is one of the world’s largest coal export terminals but has been stymied by laws that limit container movements put in place during the privatisation of Port Botany and Port Kembla under the Coalition in 2013. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has backed a move to allow the Port of Newcastle to handle more containers, unsuccessfully taking the matter to the Federal Court in 2018.

20th May 2024

Australian almonds provide a key ingredient for tapping into India's youth

One of the major almond producers in Australia, Select Harvest, is exploring the utilization of processed foods as an additional avenue for almonds. Raju Bhati, the international importer from India, highlighted the focus on increasing volume in the Indian market driven by value-added products. Australia currently holds a competitive advantage over its rivals due to a new trade agreement (Australia India ECTA) that has halved the tariff on Australian almonds.

Australian almonds provide key ingredient to tap India's youth through federal government trade deal - ABC News

11 June 2024

SACOME welcomes the prospect of a more prosperous South Australia.

The South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy (SACOME) expressed satisfaction with the South Australian Government's Budget, which emphasizes the resources sector's key needs. Notable allocations for the sector include $3.6 million over two years for the development of a Green Iron and Steel Strategy, $15.4 million over three years for the Brukunga acid mine drainage treatment plant, and $692.6 million over five years for skills and training enhancement. SACOME's chief executive officer, Rebecca Knol, emphasized the importance of green manufacturing for a low carbon future and welcomed the prioritization of this issue in this year's Budget.

12 June 2024

Trade & Investments

NSW announces new initiative to assist wine exporters

The NSW Government plans to increase wine exports, leading to new job opportunities in NSW. The NSW Government's 2024/25 export program aims to support producers of the state's $420 million wine exports in re-entering the Chinese market, which has recently reopened. Additionally, the program will provide support to exporters targeting key emerging markets such as India, Japan, and Vietnam. The program includes initiatives such as a NSW Wine Promotional Roadshow in China, export programs focused on various countries, export capability building workshops in different regions of NSW, and support for export-ready wineries through trade missions and e-commerce campaigns.